Texas A&M professor Dr. George C. Wright will be speaking Thursday at the University of North Texas/Dallas School of Law on the social and legal history that drove the massive migrations of African and African-American populations from colonial era to the present.
Lawyer Discipline: State Bar of Texas
The State Bar of Texas has announced its most recent disciplinary actions. According to the state bar, five judges were disciplined, including one judicial suspension. In addition, seven Texas lawyers were suspended and two more received public reprimands.
SCOTX Reinstates Harris County Med-Mal Verdict
In rare support of a medical malpractice plaintiff’s jury verdict, the Texas Supreme Court on Friday reversed an appellate court’s decision to reject a $4.2 million award by a Houston jury for the negligent death of a 46-year-old father of three. The Texas Lawbook has the details.
Toasting Last Year’s Winners and This Year’s Judges
The Texas Lawbook hosted a soiree honoring last year’s award winners, this year’s judges and ACC-DFW leadership. This is the inaugural DFW Outstanding Corporate Counsel Awards Alumni reception.
Lawyer Discipline: State Bar of Texas
Three lawyers have resigned from the bar and six others have received suspensions as the result of disciplinary actions by the State Bar of Texas. The Texas Lawbook has the details as reported by state disciplinary authorities.
Fifth Circuit Dismisses Suit Against Schiff Hardin
The U.S. Fifth Circuit has dismissed a lawsuit filed in East Texas against Schiff Hardin charging that the firm had misrepresented facts to an insurance company during its defense of a products liability lawsuit. Most of the claims had already been dismissed, but the appeals court said the trial judge erred in a novel interpretation of Texas case law.
Appeals Court Tosses West Texas $43.1M Jury Award
The Eleventh Court of Appeals ended 2018 by tossing $43.1 million of a nearly $50 million West Texas jury award, ruling that a group of West Texas oil and gas investors who called themselves “partners” had no partnership at all. Allen Pusey explains.
Mid-Market YTD 2018: Financial Advisor Deal Value Rankings
Middle market M&A has been eroding across the nation, and even in the otherwise thriving Texas market Texas-headquartered firms will likely finish 2018 with less than 200 mid-range transactions for
Mid-Market YTD 2018: Law Firm Deal Value Rankings
Middle market M&A has been eroding across the nation, and even in the otherwise thriving Texas market Texas-headquartered firms will likely finish 2018 with less than 200 mid-range transactions for the first time since the Great Recession.
Mid-Market YTD 2018: Financial Advisors
Middle market M&A has been eroding across the nation, and even in the otherwise thriving Texas market Texas-headquartered firms will likely finish 2018 with less than 200 mid-range transactions for the first time since the Great Recession. Here’s how financial advisors are stacking up through Q3.