© 2017 The Texas Lawbook.
By Mark Curriden
(Aug. 9) – Archrock, a Houston-based provider of natural gas contract compression services, has hired former Enterprise Products Partners general counsel Stephanie C. Hildebrandt to lead its corporate in-house legal department.
Archrock’s appointment of Hildebrandt is welcome news for legal professionals supporting greater gender diversity. Recent surveys point out that very few women and ethnic minorities fill top management positions within corporate legal departments and at corporate law firms.
From 1989 to 2001, Hildebrandt was a lawyer in the legal department at Texaco. She joined El Paso Corporation’s legal group in 2001, handling legal matters for GulfTerra Energy Partners until it was acquired by Enterprise in 2004. She was at Enterprise for a decade and was general counsel from 2010 to 2014.
“With her extensive experience in energy services and in master limited partnerships (MLPs), Stephanie will bring significant value to our company as we continue to position Archrock as America’s compression services provider of choice,” Archrock Chief Executive Officer Brad Childers said in a written statement.
Hildebrandt serves as a director for Rice Midstream Management’s board and is a member of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Energy, Law & Business’s advisory committee.
Lawyers familiar with Archrock say company leaders also sought a general counsel with experience in corporate governance matters, which is important because the energy firm is facing an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regarding its former international operations involving Exterran Corp.
In an Aug. 1 Form 10-Q filing, Archrock officials stated, “the SEC has been conducting an investigation in connection with certain previously disclosed errors and possible irregularities at one of our former international operations. We and Exterran Corporation are cooperating with the SEC in the investigation.
“Among other things, we have been assisting Exterran Corporation in responding to a subpoena for documents related to the restatement of prior period consolidated and combined financial statements and related disclosures and compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which are also being provided to the U.S. Department of Justice at its request,” Archrock officials stated in the SEC filing.
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