© 2017 The Texas Lawbook.
By Mark Curriden
(May 16) – The Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel announced Monday that it is officially partnering with The Texas Lawbook for the annual Best Corporate Counsel Awards of 2017.
Each year, the ACC-DFW Chapter honors corporate in-house lawyers for their exceptional work and successes during the previous year.

“The awards ceremonies have been a time when corporate legal departments are able to recognize the achievements of our own,” says ACC-DFW 1st Vice President David Kilpatrick, who is the general counsel and vice president of business development at EnvironX Solutions.
“By teaming with The Texas Lawbook, we are taking the event to an all new level,” Kilpatrick says. “The Lawbook is widely recognized for its expertise and knowledge of business and corporate law in Texas. This partnership allows ACC members to take advantage of that expertise by showcasing the actual substance behind each of the award recipients.”
Kilpatrick also cited as a benefit to ACC members The Lawbook’s partnership with the Dallas Business Journal, which will publish articles written by Texas Lawbook writers about the individuals and corporate legal departments being honored.
Texas Lawbook Deputy Publisher Brooks Igo says the Lawbook team is working with ACC-DFW leaders to finalize the details of the awards. But there will be definite changes from previous years.
“The Best Corporate Counsel Awards event will be held on January 25 at the George W. Bush Institute,” Igo says. “ACC and The Lawbook decided to hold the awards ceremony in January in order to actually recognize the full year of work and accomplishments by corporate in-house counsel. This is going to be a first class event.”
Two weeks ago, ACC-DFW leaders also announced a dynamic and exciting new editorial partnership with The Texas Lawbook.
With nearly 900 members, the DFW Chapter of ACC is experiencing tremendous growth and is committed to delivering value to its members and their companies, according to ACC-DFW Executive Director Susan Harvey. The partnership with The Texas Lawbook supports the Chapter’s initiatives to provide relevant training and development, networking, pro bono and community events.
The Lawbook, as part of the partnership, publishes in-depth monthly profiles of Association of Corporate Counsel members in North Texas. In addition, The Lawbook regularly interviews ACC-DFW leaders about significant legal trends and developments impacting businesses and the legal profession
ACC is a global bar association that includes more than 35,000 members from over 10,000 corporations in 85 countries.
“For over 30 years, ACC has been providing corporate counsel with specialized, timely, and practical services exclusively targeted to the unique in-house position within the legal and business communities,” Kilpatrick says. “The Texas Lawbook fits in this larger framework to assist our chapter in promoting education, networking and advocacy initiatives.”
Kilpatrick says that involvement with the Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter is an opportunity for fellow corporate in-house lawyers “to expand your network of professionals facing the same problems you deal with on a day to day level — attorney’s whose experience and insights can be of direct benefit to you.”
Lawyers with corporate legal departments who are interested in learning more about the DFW Chapter of ACC are invited to contact the organization’s executive director, Susan Harvey, at 214-901-6004. Also visit the ACC-DFW website for information and details about upcoming events.
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