The reign of the Eastern District of Texas as the busiest patent docket in the U.S. ended last year when Delaware captured the top spot. Now, EDTX isn’t even the busiest patent jurisdiction in Texas. The designation now belongs to the Western District and new federal judge Alan Albright. The Texas Lawbook has an exclusive interview with Judge Albright, new data and an in-depth report on the new hot patent docket.
Norton Rose Fulbright began as Fulbright & Crooker at the top of a Houston bank tower 100 years ago. Here is a timeline of their ascent to one of the largest firms on the planet.
From Two Lawyers in Houston to 4,000 Worldwide – Fulbright Turns 100
Exactly a century ago, R.C. Fulbright and John Crooker started their own law firm. A dozen years later, the firm added a young unknown trial lawyer named Leon Jaworski. No Texas corporate law firm has had a bigger historical impact on the legal profession, business and politics than Fulbright & Jaworski. Now known as Norton Rose Fulbright, the firm occupies 11 floors atop the Fulbright Tower in downtown Houston and boasts more than 4,000 lawyers in 29 countries with revenues expected to top $2 billion this year. This is the story of a law firm everyone just calls “Fulbright” – how it got here and where it is going.
Carter Dugan: The Future of Norton Rose Fulbright and a Link to its Past
As a little girl, Carter Dugan played in the office of her grandfather, James Kerr, high atop Fulbright Tower in downtown Houston. Kerr practiced alongside legendary lawyers, including Leon Jaworski, for six decades. Now, Dugan is an energy litigation partner at Norton Rose Fulbright, officing only a few floors away from where she played as a kid. Like the old-timers, she has great stories to tell.
Federal Prosecutors: No New Trial Needed for Forest Park Officials
Federal prosecutors filed a 179-page brief this week challenging demands for a new trial by seven defendants convicted in the Forest Park Medical Center bribery and kickback scheme. Suffice it to say: they are against any new proceedings. Mark Curriden has the details.
Citi: Texas-based Law Firms Lagging National Competitors
Corporate law firms headquartered in Texas are witnessing slower growth in revenue and a more significant decline in demand for legal services from clients so far in 2019 than their competitors across the country.
Updated – Dean Foods Taps Norton Rose Fulbright and Davis Polk for Bankruptcy Counsel
Dean Foods GC Kristy Waterman and CFO Gary Rahlfs have tapped New York lawyers with Davis Polk and Norton Rose Fulbright partner William Greendyke as its lead outside counsel in the upcoming restructuring, which was filed Tuesday in the Southern District of Texas. The Texas Lawbook has details on the full legal and financial advisory teams.
Tony Mauro Award goes to Haynes and Boone’s Laura Prather
A new award named after legendary U.S. Supreme Court reporter Tony Mauro recognizing lawyers who zealously advocate for freedom of the press and a more open government goes to an Austin litigation partner who represents numerous news media outlets.
Texas Lawbook Turns Eight, Adding Full-time Pro Bono Writer
The Texas Lawbook celebrates its eighth anniversary by creating a charitable foundation and a full-time reporter position to write exclusively about pro bono and public service in Texas. Oh, we also have reached 13,500 paid subscribers, including 2,600 corporate in-house counsel.
Norton Rose Fulbright Names Jeff Cody as U.S. MP
Dallas commercial litigator and University of Houston Law Center alumni Jeff Cody will be the next managing partner of Norton Rose Fulbright in the U.S., which has 411 lawyers in Texas and 820 attorneys nationwide.