If you were wondering where the energy deals went, don’t worry. Of the 15 deals last week 11 of them were in the energy space. Yes, they included some alt deals, but there were a few familiar names as well. They’re in the CDT Roundup.
CDT Roundup: 19 Deals, 10 Firms, 110 Lawyers, $7.8B
You know you’ve been through a tough year when Thanksgiving signals the beginning of its end. But a look at Texas transactions over the two weeks that included the holiday offers a glimpse of The Future. And it doesn’t look so bad. The CDT Roundup explains.
State Bar Discipline: 15 Lawyers, 2 Disbarments
The State Bar of Texas released its list of attorneys who have been disciplined in the course of the last three months. There were two disbarments, one resignation in lieu of discipline, 10 suspensions and three public reprimands involving 15 different lawyers — including a half dozen from Houston.
Q&A: Alyssa Schindler
Texas Lawbook Premium Bonus Content: Q&A with Chevron Senior Counsel Alyssa Schindler The Texas Lawbook provides unique and substantive content to our Premium subscribers. In this interview, Chevron Senior Counsel
CDT Roundup: 14 Deals, 10 Firms, 157 Lawyers, $864.1M
In 2020, and for the first time in more than two decades, there were no FIDs made in LNG projects in the US. Blame that on the pandemic. But not to worry, there are enough projects on the boards to make LNG increasingly relevant, even under a Biden administration. The CDT Roundup explains.
CDT Roundup: 13 Deals, 9 Firms, 129 Lawyers, $6.3B
The politics of energy popped up briefly during the election. But according to GlobalData the votes that matter in the energy business, capex investments, have already been counted. Follow the money, and last week’s deals in the CDT Roundup.
CDT Roundup: 10 Deals, 8 Firms, 103 Lawyers, $4B
It’s hard to say where the current capital markets would be without special purpose acquisition corporations. But it’s not hard at all to say that they are becoming more and more important. The CDT Roundup explores.
Texas Judicial Election Results
The Texas Lawbook has five journalists tonight – election night – covering the judicial appellate and trial court races and will provide details as the election results are provided.
State Bar Discipline: 8 Judicial Actions, 1 Disbarment, 5 Suspensions, 1 Public Reprimand
The State Bar of Texas released its monthly compendium of disciplinary actions Monday. The reprimands of eight judges include: one who revoked a probation without a proper hearing; one who withheld court records from a disabled defendant; a judge who publicly called out a victim of domestic violence; another who brandished a gun during a private argument on a public street and a judge in East Texas who attempted to recruit state law enforcement to harass construction at a solar farm next to her family’s property.
Rebeca Huddle Sworn In as Newest Member of Texas Supreme Court
In a live-streamed, fully-masked and socially-distanced ceremony Friday, Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle, a former partner at Baker Botts in Houston, was sworn by Gov. Greg Abbott as the newest justice on the Supreme Court of Texas. Huddle is only the 10th woman to serve as a justice on the court.