AUSTIN – It may have been “reprehensible” to sell as “new” a $19.85 million Bombardier Challenger 300 with a used and troubled engine, but when the contract limits liability then liability is limited, the Texas Supreme Court ruled last week. The decision snuffs a $5.39 million of an $8 million jury award, as Janet Elliott explains.

WATCH THIS SPACE! Coming Soon: Texas Supreme Court pronouncements on significant issues of contract interpretation and enforcement
Early in December the Texas Supreme Court heard oral argument in three cases in which the Court likely will render important guidance as to key issues for contract interpretation and the interplay between contract and fraud claims. Ray Guy of Weil, Gotshal & Manges reviews the background of those cases and the key questions they present.
SCOTX Reinstates Harris County Med-Mal Verdict
In rare support of a medical malpractice plaintiff’s jury verdict, the Texas Supreme Court on Friday reversed an appellate court’s decision to reject a $4.2 million award by a Houston jury for the negligent death of a 46-year-old father of three. The Texas Lawbook has the details.
SCOTX: Insurers Must Pay For Anadarko’s Deepwater Defense
Anadarko has emerged the winner in a coverage clash with its surplus liability insurers as the Texas Supreme Court ruled last week that the underwriters are contractually obligated to pay Anadarko’s $112.5 million defense costs related to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The Lawbook’s Janet Elliott has the details.
SCOTX Mulls Role of Reasonableness in ‘Farm Out’ Agreements
After spending $22 million on some dry holes in North Texas, Barrow-Shaver Resources Co. jumped at a $27.7 million offer for its development rights. But one of 32 parties blew up the deal by asking $5 million for its approval. Now the Texas Supreme Court is being asked to resolve a question of industry use vs. oil and gas tradition. Janet Elliott explains.
Fifth Circuit Hands Receiver Latest Win in Stanford Ponzi Saga
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has reversed a trial court ruling that determined one of infamous Ponzi schemer Allen Stanford’s largest investors received a $79 million fraudulent transfer in good faith.
Federal Circuit Affirms $439M Verdict Against Apple
A federal appeals court handed Nevada-based VirnetX its latest win Tuesday in its intellectual property feud with Apple when it affirmed a $439 million judgment that stemmed from a September 2016 jury trial in East Texas.
The Top Texas Litigation Stories of 2018
“Litigation documents the lifelines of relationships: when they blossom, when they crumble and everything in between. And no matter how big a company is, it’s the people and lawyers behind it who drive the narrative.” So notes Natalie Posgate in describing her picks for the top ten Texas-related litigation victories of 2018.
Trial & Appellate Boutique in Houston Mints Two Partners
Brian Cathey and Andrew Nelson’s promotions make 19 partners at Wright Close & Barger.
Fifth Circuit Dismisses Suit Against Schiff Hardin
The U.S. Fifth Circuit has dismissed a lawsuit filed in East Texas against Schiff Hardin charging that the firm had misrepresented facts to an insurance company during its defense of a products liability lawsuit. Most of the claims had already been dismissed, but the appeals court said the trial judge erred in a novel interpretation of Texas case law.
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