In June, a New Jersey jury hit Janssen Products with a $150 million verdict. The final judgment trebled damages and assessed a whopping $1.27 billion civil penalty but did ax about $30 million in damages to the states under the False Claims Act after the judge agreed with Janssen that not enough evidence was presented to sustain that portion of the award. Dallas boutique Reese Marketos was brought into the case two years ago to take it to trial.
Litigation Roundup: Travis County Gets a New Judge
In this edition of Litigation Roundup, a team of Kirkland lawyers gets an early win for a client facing a whistleblower’s False Claims Act suit, a suit stemming from the romance scandal involving former judge David Jones gets trimmed and the Dallas appellate court declines to bring an early end to a barratry lawsuit against a personal injury law firm.

Businesses Face Uncertain Enforcement Landscape Under the New Trump Administration, Congress and State AGs
The current enforcement landscape is a new and complicated playing field in which both Republican and Democratic AGs are eyeing business as prime enforcement targets. Business leaders and general counsel, particularly those with business operations in multiple states, would do well to pay attention to the competing enforcement priorities.
Former SDTX USA Lands at Bracewell in Houston
In an interview with The Texas Lawbook Tuesday, Alamdar S. Hamdani said he chose Bracewell in part because of its deep roots in his “adopted hometown” of Houston, its international platform and its “growing and burgeoning enforcement practice.”
Former U.S. Attorney Damien Diggs Joins Winston & Strawn in Dallas
Damien Diggs, the newly departed U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas, joins Winston’s government investigations, enforcement and compliance practice. Before he was named the Eastern District’s top prosecutor in 2023, he was an assistant U.S. attorney in Dallas and Washington, D.C.
SEC Enforcement: What to Expect Under New Administration
Eric Werner, director of the Fort Worth regional office of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, joined two leading securities experts in private practice, Jessica Magee of Holland & Knight and Rebecca Fike of Vinson & Elkins, to discuss what’s changing (or might be) under President Donald Trump.
Ousted German Oil Executive Wins Case Against Former Dallas-Area Employers
On its third day of deliberations, a Dallas County jury awarded Bernard Tubeileh about $7.7 million in damages and rejected claims that he was fired because he’d stole millions from his employers.
Privacy Developments to Watch in 2025
2024 continued the inexorable march toward state-level comprehensive privacy laws and the conspicuous lack at the federal level. Yet, an assumption that this treatment of comprehensive privacy legislation meant business as usual belies a change that saw privacy as a new battleground.
Ousted Oil Executive Testifies that Millions Funneled to Himself Were Proper
Bernard Tubeileh, the former head of U.S. operations for Global Oil & Gas of Germany, says the company knew about the payments, mostly in the form of commissions paid through a third party, and authorized them — though the details aren’t in writing.
Texas White-Collar Experts Predict Trends Under Trump
Amid uncertainty about the new administration, top Texas litigators who specialize in white-collar criminal law and securities enforcement say healthcare fraud will continue to be a top priority for federal prosecutors, though immigration cases will likely see a surge. The Texas Lawbook asked eight leading white-collar specialists what they see as the most important legal trends in the state and what they predict regarding white-collar prosecutions this year. Cybersecurity, foreign bribery, elderly abuse and privacy law violation offenses are best bets. But then again, it is President Trump, so who knows?
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